January Weekend Intensive Throwing Workshop, January 4-5, 2025


January Weekend Intensive Throwing Workshop, January 4-5, 2025


Spend a weekend making pots with personalized instruction from Kevin.

Our home is your home for the weekend.  Guests should plan to arrive Friday evening in time for a light supper.  

Your first day will start at 8:00 for breakfast then out to the studio by 9:00.  Lunch is served noonish, with a mid-afternoon tea break.  The workday ends at 5:00 and dinner is served sooner or later.  All meals are vegetarian (the delicious kind, not the stodgy kind!)  We are happy to try to accommodate most dietary preferences. Please let us know in advance.  

A walk to the river comes highly recommended.  A little black dog will accompany you. The cat will probably stay home.

Same for Sunday, but we'll have you on the road by 4:00.  Limit 3 people.

Bring your favorite clay tools.  Clay is provided and please be prepared to take your greenware home if you like.

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